On the Road again…

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A few weeks ago my “Purple People Eater” developed a nasty misfire. My first thought was BAD GAS. Two additives and 3/4 of a tank of gas the miss was still there. I called out for a “Mini Garage Crawl” to put in a new set of plugs because I had no idea how long this set has been in the car. There were two respondents, Mike D. & Buzz Gunn. No surprise here, these two answer every call even if it means some work. Two good hearts here.
Changing plugs in a C4 isn’t easy but it was completed with no busted knuckles. We were kind of disappointed when we fired it up and the miss was still there.
The next stop was my Corvette mechanic who uttered those dreaded words…yup, Opti-Spark”. It’s bad enough to install one but even worse when the first one malfunctions and you have to swap it out again. Of course Mark did this with no extra charge. Now I am indeed on the road again and running great.
The purpose of this short story is not to rag on G.M.’s Corvette engineers ( I’ll do that another time). I want to show why I treasure the camaraderie and fellowship among members of V.C.C.A. and why it is a big part of life for my wife and I.